Qu'est-ce que the beginning after the end - chapter 171 ?

"The Beginning After the End - Chapter 171" is a part of a popular web novel series written by TurtleMe and illustrated by Fuyuki23. The novel follows the story of Arthur Leywin, a former powerful mage and king in his past life who is reincarnated into a world where magic and monsters exist.

In this particular chapter, Arthur is going through a major conflict. He is facing the betrayal of his trusted advisor, Jason, who has joined forces with an enemy kingdom. This betrayal greatly impacts Arthur emotionally, as he had considered Jason as his friend and confidant.

As the chapter progresses, Arthur tries to gather his thoughts and decides to confront Jason about his betrayal. There is a tense confrontation between the two characters, with Arthur expressing his disappointment and anger towards Jason's actions. However, Jason remains unapologetic and explains his reasons for betraying Arthur.

Arthur's emotions are further tested as he realizes the extent of the damage caused by Jason's betrayal. He is forced to make difficult decisions and strategize to counter the threat posed by the enemy kingdom. The chapter ends with Arthur vowing to protect his kingdom and rebuild it despite the obstacles he faces.

Overall, "The Beginning After the End - Chapter 171" delves into the theme of trust, friendship, and the consequences of betrayal. The chapter sets the stage for further development of the plot and explores the inner conflicts faced by the protagonist as he navigates through a world filled with magic, power struggles, and personal growth.